Steps Toward Opening Cape Cod Toy Library


Over the course of the past year, much interest has been generated!  With assistance from several supportive volunteers, a concept paper and business outline have been drafted, potential sites have been visited, and a Cape Cod Toy Library Facebook page and initial website have been created.

During the month of May several presentations were given across the Cape to inform early childhood networks, social workers, and parents about the Cape Cod Toy Library (CCTL) and to gather community input. Presentations were given in community spaces donated by Truro and Sandwich Libraries, Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School, and the Cultural Center of Cape Cod. 

On June 4th, we held our first hands-on event – "Family Boat Play Day" – at the Cape Cod Maritime Museum, who kindly donated the use of their space. Live music was provided by fiddler Dinah Mellin. Play materials were donated by local businesses and individuals, supplemented by over 30 toys on loan from Rochester New York's Toy Library. Families put on puppet shows, played horseshoes, and went on a treasure hunt – and enjoyed all sorts of activities in-between. 

As a follow up, informal presentations will continue to be given in locations across the Cape with the objective to engage parents and grandparents and child care providers in thinking about the importance of play and envisioning what a Cape Cod Toy Library could mean to their children and families. These sessions will not only help spread the word about the coming of Cape Cod Toy Library, they will also help us identify what would be helpful to families and child care providers. We are interested in hearing what would be desirable hours for CCTL to be open, membership fee levels and scholarships, types of toys, resource information and programs that would most support potential users and their children’s learning. Give us feedback here. Additional presentations will be given to groups upon request, including Rotary Clubs and Kiwanis Clubs.

Additional e-newsletters and Facebook postings will continue to spread the word and engage those interested in Cape Cod Toy Library development and it’s potential impact on quality of life on the Cape. The Cape Cod Toy Library website will begin to take shape beyond it’s current status with inclusion of resource information about the importance of play for children’s healthy development.

Cape Cod Toy Library, Inc. is now incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and we’ve submitted our application for our federal tax-exempt status.

Once tax-exempt status is obtained, grants, financial support, and in-kind donations will be solicited from foundations, townships, businesses and individuals for the start-up of Cape Cod Toy Library. Possible location sites will be sought and secured, volunteers will be recruited and trained, staff will be hired and trained, space will be renovated and prepared for CCTL use, in-kind donations will be collected, sorted, cleaned, cataloged, packaged and labeled, purchases will be made for the necessary computer technology and software, furnishings, toy library inventory, and supplies, promotional fliers and brochures will be designed and printed, and the grand opening of CCTL will be publicized through print, radio and social media.

Opening Cape Cod Toy Library

Cape Cod Toy Library will open 20-24 hours a week for public access to the play space and for family, child care provider, educators or organization members to borrow toys for 1-3 week loan periods. Additional hours for specialized groups and programs will be scheduled during hours CCTL is not open to the public. To support a start-up part-time staff, volunteers will be recruited for specific roles. Membership options are still under discussion.

For more information, contact Deb Willsea,  585-330-4656

A Note from our Founder


While my career began as an educator my ability to meet the needs of my children only went so far. I thought if it was challenging for me to find and afford appropriate play materials for their very different needs, it would also likely be challenging for most parents.  In 1983 my spontaneous suggestion to a colleague of creating a “toy library” sparked interest for both of us!  The very next day, she discovered a 5-page article in Parents Magazine on - How to start a Toy Library! 

As we embarked on pursuing this idea, The Parent’s Magazine article (April 1983) on “Setting Up a Toy Library” gave examples of toy library models across the country making it easy to learn what might work for Rochester.  The first Toy Library in the US began during the Depression by volunteers. So we presented the idea to The Junior League of Rochester to explore the possibility of developing a toy library.  Soon after, a United Way of Greater Rochester needs assessment survey validated the need for a toy library. The assessment showed that childcare settings had minimal toys or books for children and that providers lacked knowledge of age-appropriate activities for children’s growth and development.

On October 1, 1985, to my great joy, Rochester’s Toy Library became a reality as a community resource for families, childcare providers, and educators. And so the first chapter of Toy Library’s story began, launched as a volunteer-based enterprise.

Rochester’s Toy Library quickly proved to be an effective way to support parents, childcare providers and educators in their work with children, including children with special needs. As a novel concept in Rochester the word spread quickly through word of mouth and the media.  Partnerships naturally developed with community businesses and organizations. Requests multiplied for programs, parenting workshops and training sessions including programs for families with special needs children. Within six months Rochester’s Toy Library became one of the largest toy libraries in the country – by its membership numbers, size of the collection and the square footage of play space. 

While there is much more to the Rochester’s Toy Library success story, it’s now part of the Rochester Public Library & Monroe County Library System, celebrating 32 years benefiting the community, impacting 10,000-12,000 children and families each year from across the city and county.

What GOT the ball rolling for developing a Cape Cod Toy Library?

Once again, a parent heard and responded to the concept “Toy Library” with enthusiasm, this time a Cape parent during a getting-to-know each other conversation. She immediately responded by encouraging me to lead the development of a Cape Cod Toy Library – as something she believes is needed and would greatly benefit children and families.

Given the success of Rochester’s Toy Library that I proudly celebrate, there is a desire to build on the success to create a Toy Library on the Cape – where our family has a history and a sense of home for five generations. The Cape is a natural place to expand this legacy – to create a Toy Library that will serve as an exemplary model for the State of Massachusetts and the nation.

Since the initial encouraging nudge in August 2015, I’ve met with dozens of early childhood professionals, organization leaders, educators, social workers, and foundation leaders on the Cape to acquire a sense of what educational resources are already available and to gauge the interest and need.  While tremendous work is being done by many dedicated people across the Cape, there does appear to be a need and wish for increased access to developmentally appropriate play spaces, educational resources and support for parents and childcare providers, especially for higher need families.

For more information, contact Deb Willsea,  585-330-4656